Tips on How to Talk to Kids About Race: Thoughts from Noted Psychiatrist Dr. Alvin F. Poussaint
Note: Beccastone originally spoke to Dr. Poussaint in the wake of the killing of 17-year old Trayvon Martin in Florida in 2012. Dr. Poussaint’s words
Note: Beccastone originally spoke to Dr. Poussaint in the wake of the killing of 17-year old Trayvon Martin in Florida in 2012. Dr. Poussaint’s words
Dr. Bethanne Moore sits down with Beccastone to discuss mental health issues for children in the Black community. Beccastone: Do you find that there is
Your child puts one of the latest video games at the top of her Christmas list. Or your child wants to use his Christmas money
Start the school year off right by discussing and signing the Parent-Child School Contract reprinted below. The Contract emphasizes some basic habits and principles that
What is the most valuable piece of advice your mother gave you? “Life is not fair.” My mother told me that throughout my childhood. She
Beccastone spoke with a full-time 7th grade tutor who is also a Social Work Intern at a K-8 school. Here are her tips on how
By Julieanna Richardson- When I was nine years old and the only black kid in my class, my teacher asked us to talk about our