We are proud to announce, just in time for Black History Month, “The Well-Read Black Teen – The Classic Fiction Collection,” our premier educational resource.
We’ve developed a list of top-shelf fiction books designed to engage teens. Stephanie Phillipps, CEO of Beccastone, remarks, “The books on this list are some of my favorite classics that paint compelling pictures of the Black experience. These books reveal the hardships, struggles, loves and triumphs of Black people, as well as fundamental truths about human nature. Some of the books are heavy reading, but I wish I had been introduced to all these books when I was in high school. They would have enriched my life, prepared me for higher education and broadened my perspective on the human condition.”
We at Beccastone want to encourage teens to read. According to the American Psychological Association, “In recent years, less than 20 percent of U.S. teens report reading a book, magazine or newspaper daily for pleasure, while more than 80 percent say they use social media every day”1.
A study of K-12 student reading habits2 demonstrated that as little as six extra minutes of reading per day can turn a struggling reader into one who meets or surpasses their grade’s benchmark.
Our goal with this, and future reading lists, is to help kids get excited about reading and become engaged and thoughtful readers!
Fill in the form below to download your FREE copy of The Classic Fiction Collection.
